Submit Application

Application overview

  • Languages: German or English
  • Submission deadline: 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024
  • Via online application
  • Applications of either individuals or teams of up to two persons are qualified. In such a case the grant has to be paid out equally.

Application documents

Please answer the questions in the web portal and have the following pdf documents ready to upload:

  • Curriculum vitae (without photo, pdf, max. 3 pages)
  • Publication list for the last five years (pdf)

Important information

  1. Please create an account in the web portal. Via your username and password you can manage your application. Note that you can no longer edit your application after clicking the button “Enter Submission”.
  2. Fill out the available fields and upload all necessary documents. If you want to complete your application at a later time, click the button “Save”.
  3. When you wish to submit your application, click the button “Enter Submission”. Note that only complete applications can be considered.

Completing the work

Completion of the submitted project must generally be possible within two years. Completion must be verified by a written final report or preferably by a publication. In the case of a publication or several publications that completely or partially are funded by the ESF, the applicants agree to explicitly mention this funding. Generally, this should happen in the first footnote/annotation of the text, in the case of distinct printed works additionally also via a colored logo in the imprint. The applicants furthermore agree to provide a specimen copy of this/these publication(s) to the ESF. They also agree to be publicized as award recipients together with their projects on the ESF website and as part of its public relations.


Each submitted project is reviewed by at least two experts. Which projects are funded as well as the amount of funding is decided by the ESF advisory board. The decision is not subject to legal recourse.